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North Wadhurst Save Our Fields

Turners Green Road

Proposed development of five self-build dwellings to the land west of Turners Green Road


In January 2021, the developer Landstrom submitted a planning appeal in response to Wealden District Council’s decision to refuse  planning permission for a phased development of five self-build residential dwellings to the land west of Turners Green, Wadhurst.


To view the documents and make a comment, click here


Full Appeal document from Landstrom



Appeal letter from WDC (with details of how to respond) 

Thank you to everyone who submitted their objections to this planning appeal

to Wealden District Council in April 2021.


You can see the points we used in this planning appeal in letter below:


Valid objection points for you to copy and paste from Word document


Final group letter of objection to appeal submitted to the WDC Planning Portal

To object please use the Word template above and submit:

Please note: The timeframe for objections has now closed and we await the outcome.





  • In writing (enclosing 3 copies of signed letter), send to: The Planning Inspectorate, Room: 3B Eagle Wing, Temple Quay House, 2 The Square, Temple Quay, BRISTOL BS1 6PN


Please quote: APP/C1435/W/20/3265921 in correspondence


Each person in your household can object.


Every name counts and every comment matters​.






Like a Zombie, this one just keeps coming back!!

A new application has been submitted to try to outfox us but you can't get one past David Shairp.

Please see below templates to object to the new scheme - every letter counts to SAVE OUR FIELDS...


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